HJCH, Fiatal évgyőztes 2016, HD-C Somogyi Betyár Szellő
Somogyi Betyár Szellő 2015.04.28
High: 74 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Father: IntCh, HCH, HSCH, HCH, HJCH, KKCH, Évgyőztes II Bokorszeri Cudar
Mother: HCH, HSCH, RoCH, Junior Évgyőzes, HD-C Almádi Hársasuti Milka
Szellő is my first choice female Komondor from litter "S", but her litter mate Sziszi achieved also very a lots of Show results. Both became Junior Champions but for 2016 Szellő was the most successful female junior Komondor in Hungary so she is earning the Title of the Best Junior Female Komondor of 2016. Her extra large size, much bigger had like generally, for a few peoples are some times too much, but for it is perfectly Ok, I consider very helpful for the breed and the judges also appreciated this. I started quite early the breeding with she, but take into consideration the age limit from the breeding program, and for the first time she had 5 just female litter. Szellő has excellent mother instinct, ready to give birth and take care of the puppies alone, but of course I stayed with she as much as I could. It was a surprise the whole female litter, but at least I had good chance to choose again the best female Komondor from the litter, named Arad, whom I can ahead this imposing appearance. The Szellő & Pajkos mating I wish to repeat it one side because all the 5 females are loocking great and owners are very pleased all over the world with them, other side because I really wish to see a male Komondor from this lines.
Awards, acknowledgments
RESULTS | ||||
2016.15.16 | Szilvásvárad | K1, HPJ | Young | Dr. Jakkel Tamás |
2016.05.22 | Kapuvár | K1, HPJ | Young | Balázsovits Jánosné |
2016.06.04 | Budapest Grand Prix | K1, HPJ | Young | Juhász József |
2016-06.05 | Budapest Grand Prix | K1, HPJ | Young | Szabóné Iványi Katalin |
2016.06.11 | Saéföld | K2 | Young | Vinnai András |
2016.07.03 | Veszprém | K1, HPJ, Best Junior | Young | Dr. Váczi-Balog Zsuzsanna |
2016.07.09 | Tata | The beauthy of the Festival | Young | Dr. Jakkel tamás |
2016.07.16 | Szombathely d.e. | K1, HPJ, Best Junior , BOS | Young | Korózs András |
2016.07.16. | Szombathely d.u. | K1, HPJ, Best Junior | Young | Dr. Kaszás Emese |
2016.07.17 | Oberwart | K1, Best Junior, BOB | Young | Pokorn Alenka |
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