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About Us

Welcome on my homepage. My name is Melinda Talpai, me and my Komondors are living in Hungary, next to Somogyjád on a 5 hectare place. My intention with this homepage is to introduce and popularized this rare and special dog breed.

The specialty on this dog is not only their beautiful look but also their qualities.This independent but moderate natured, balanced, tough dog stands most near to the nature today. Very brave, and a yes may be with a dominant behavior sometimes

Loves the children, but it is necessary to know about him inevitably, that if their companions annoy it, or the small ones belonging to his family are hurt,the Komondor rises to their protection immediately then. This dog preserves it most efficiently and it defends his home and his family's members, but accepts the regular visitors already. He harasses nobody generally apart from his territory.

His hair nursing claim: The Komondor is never brushed or it is combed since it would make it impossible his hair to curl. The strings take shape because the soft threads of the bottom hair do not fall out just, but they come to a halt between the rougher, longer cover hairs. The curl, the development of strings with some manual work can be helped. Claims nursing hardly already after the development of the characteristic Komondor hair, and the dog does not shed hairs altogether quasi in the flat. The bad time does not disturb it, tolerates even the frost well, si nce his thick hair provides exceptionally good protection.

This dog is very ideal one they for him, who would love a loyal companion and

who like it, if a deliberate dog preserves their house and their garden.

If this kind of dog are interests you please contact me. I’ll help with their upbringing, 

their keeping, their nursing with pleasure with vocational counsel drawn from experiences.

Additional good browsing on my homepage!